Our Team

Objective Paradigm’s Sourcing & Research Team is ready to tackle your most difficult sourcing challenges and talent acquisition research projects. The members of our team:

  • Are graduates of top universities such as Northwestern and University of Chicago
  • Help train our own recruiting team on the best sourcing strategies and recruiting tools and technologies
  • Have been invited to speak on a variety of sourcing and recruiting topics at SourceCon, Bullhorn Engage, and the Illinois Technology Association
  • Have competed and placed in the SourceCon Hackathon and SourceCon Grandmaster challenges against other top sourcers from around the globe
  • Regularly organize events for professionals all over the Chicagoland area, with organizations such as the Human Resources Management Association of Chicago (HRMAC), SourceCon Chicago Chapter, and Queer Tech Club Chicago
  • Give back to the community, partnering with community organizations including i.c. stars, YearUp, and Genesys Works to lead workshops on resume writing, interviewing, and other job seeking strategies

Our Services

Candidate List Generation

Do you need candidate sourcing for that brand new position or hard-to-fill role? We scour databases, job boards, the open web, social media, and more to generate a list of candidates that are a fit for your position. Your premium sourced list of qualified candidates includes all the necessary contact information you’ll need to reach out.

Outbound Messaging

What’s your open rate? Our team will work with yours to craft an effective recruiting pitch email for sending to sourced candidates. We’ll contact the candidates we find via email and/or social and forward responses to you, kicking off a solid recruitment process. If desired, we can send emails from your domain.

Data and Process Management

Are you spending too much time entering candidates into your ATS? Dealing with an influx of applications or other data entry and process-related tasks can be a time-consuming, costly activity. OP’s Sourcing and Research Team can help.

Talent Market Research

How do the roles you’re trying to fill compare to the labor supplies and talent trends in the market right now? We provide data about what the talent supply for your roles and geographies looks like, as well as what schools, programs, companies, websites, and networking events to target to find the people you’re looking for.

Salary Benchmarking

How are you calculating compensation? Using a variety of sources, OP’s team provides detailed salary trend information for any position.

Job Description Development

Are you opening a new role but need help writing the job description and accompanying job posts? We combine our experience, market research, and your specific requirements to design an effective and persuasive job description.

Tools and Process Evaluation

Are you spending too much time, money, and effort managing your talent acquisition tools? Our experts can help you take a big-picture look at your sourcing and recruitment toolkit, including your ATS, job board subscriptions, and other tools. We make recommendations for new tools or how to more effectively use your existing ones.


Is your team ready to source? The Sourcing and Research Team at OP can provide custom sourcing training programs to help take your recruiting team to the next level.

To learn more about the delivery and pricing of our Sourcing & Research Services

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