March 2019 marks my five year anniversary of working at Objective Paradigm.
When I started, I had no experience and didn’t know the difference between Java and C# or Firewalls and Switches; I was completely oblivious.
What I did have was a passion to succeed.
While I’m still striving to be the best and learning every day, I have collected a ton of knowledge and have developed professionally in many ways. I did it, I am a competent, successful Recruiter now.
To celebrate my first five years in recruiting, here are five things I’ve learned that have made me better at my job and have contributed to my career development:
1. Recruiting is hard
I thought it was going to be easy at first. A few months in I had a couple of placements! It was all going so well. I learned quickly that this was an exception, not the norm. Recruiting is hard work, finding the right candidates can take weeks, then getting in touch with them can prove to be even harder. It takes determination, persistence, and a ton of patience.
2. Honesty will take you far
Being dishonest or even straddling the line of honesty can certainly produce the results a young recruiter desires in the short term. Pushing candidates to take jobs that aren’t right for them, overselling opportunities, and little white lies are never worth it. It may be cliché, but what comes around goes around, and that type of practice will come back to bite you. Being honest to candidates and clients will build your reputation and certainly help in the long run.
3. You don’t have to know everything
Feel free to ask questions! Everyone loves talking about what they do, so asking questions that interest you to candidates is a great way to build your knowledge base.
4. Hard work is crucial, but it’s not everything
Work smarter, not harder. Hard work is key in this business but it’s not going to make you into a top performer. It’s important to focus on time management and to use data to your advantage.
5. Recruiting is rewarding
Saving the best for last! Over the past five years, I’ve found out that connecting with candidates, helping them through the job search, and placing them with great clients is incredibly rewarding. It’s been a blast and I’m looking forward to the next five years.
I’m competitive and I always want to be the best at everything that I do. I knew that that success wouldn’t come without learning, luckily I’ve had some of the best mentors and co-workers while working at OP.
Take time to reflect on your career growth, you might be surprised at the lessons you’ve learned along the way.
Ryan Swartzendruber, Technical Recruiter for Objective Paradigm’s Talution Group, recruits on both contract and direct hire positions in addition to his Account Manager responsibilities. Ryan’s focus is in the financial and software industries where he consistently meets clients needs by identifying and placing talent to help businesses scale. Connect with Ryan on LinkedIn.

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