5 Step Interview Prep

Kevin K_OP_Blog_5 Step Interview Prep Sept 2018The best time to look for a job is when you have a job.

In that case, you’re going to interview while you’re currently working and finding the time to properly prepare can get tricky. So, I’ll be brief.

Over the years, I’ve received valuable interview feedback — here are my essential todos before your interview. Now, go get em’ and don’t blow it.

5 Step Interview Prep

1. Your resume; print a few and bring them.

While the exercise of printing a resume may seem archaic, it will allow you and your interviewers a loose outline to follow during your conversation. Chances are, there will be individuals interviewing you who looked at your resume once. Having multiple copies for reference during your interview is respectful and professional. I will add to this by saying, you don’t need to print it out on fancy paper.

2. Your digital footprint; review and revamp it.

Social media is cute cat pictures for some and political rantings for others. Don’t underestimate your potential employer looking at your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.

Think about:

  • Inactive accounts: delete them, update privacy settings, or get active!
  • Delete any posts with vulgar language, intoxicated celebration selfies, heated political comment threads…you get it, hopefully.
  • Negative work talk doesn’t belong on social media: if you were venting in a post, delete it.
  • Make sure all your general info is updated, especially on LinkedIn and Facebook.
  • If you’re questioning anything, consider your digital footprint and what that says about you. Make changes for a positive online impression. 

3. Like the first day of school, figure out what you are wearing the night before.

Sounds simple, right? Just because the company culture is jeans, flip-flops, and a t-shirt, does not mean you can slack on your interview attire. Ask your recruiter what they recommend, but if you’re comfortable in formal business attire, go for it.

Make sure everything fits and is ready to go, no wrinkles, no stains, no rips. When you look good, you feel good – right?

*We like this guide that defines business attire.

4. Cliché question prep.

It’s one thing for a recruiter to give you the 411 on the company you’ll be interviewing for, but it’s your responsibility to do the rest.

A good rule of thumb is to bring these two simple questions with you:  

a) What is going to make someone successful right away in this role?  

b) What is going to be the biggest struggle for someone coming into this role?

You can also ask about your interviewer about their experiences at the organization, the company’s road map and any community influence they have.

Prepare these questions through research of their social sites – oh, how the tables have turned!

5. Location, location, location. Where are you going?

Don’t ruin that good night’s sleep you got by getting lost, being late and stressing out trying to find the place. Map it. Figure out your route. Know how long it will take you – is there parking, public transit, easy Uber?

Bottom line: Don’t blow your interview by not preparing. Proper prep reflects how you will treat the job and hiring managers notice. Good luck and don’t hesitate to reach out to your recruiter with any questions you have – WE WANT YOU TO NAIL IT!

KKluge_Talution_OPKevin Kluge is a Sr. Recruiter, Salesforce Specialist, and Recruiting Team Lead at Objective Paradigm. Connect with Kevin on LinkedIn here.


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